Skin Conditions to Expect During Postpartum

Skin Conditions to Expect During Postpartum

4 min read

Skin Conditions to Expect During Postpartum

During the postpartum period, which is the time following childbirth, women may experience various skin conditions due to hormonal changes and other factors. While every woman’s experience is unique, this blog will be walking you through some of the most common skin conditions that women may encounter during the postpartum phase. 

Stretch Marks

Many women develop stretch marks during pregnancy, and these marks may still be visible or become more noticeable in the postpartum period. They commonly appear on the abdomen, breasts, hips and thighs. Although stretch marks cannot be completely eliminated, moisturizing the skin and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may help to improve their appearance over time. Also remember that this is a perfectly normal condition that almost all women will experience and it is nothing to be ashamed of! 

Acne or Breakouts 

Hormonal fluctuations after childbirth can trigger acne or breakouts, even in women who did not have skin issues during pregnancy. This can be attributed to changes in hormone levels, increased oil production and stress. Using gentle cleansers, avoiding harsh skincare products and maintaining a regular skincare routine can all help manage acne or breakouts during this time. 


Some women may experience increased pigmentation in certain areas, such as the face (this is often referred to as melasma or “mask of pregnancy”) or the linea nigra (dark line on the abdomen). These pigmentation changes are usually temporary and tend to fade gradually over time. Wearing sunscreen and minimizing sun exposure can help prevent further darkening. 

Dry Skin

Hormonal changes can affect the skin’s hydration levels, leading to dryness or flakiness. It’s important to keep the skin well-moisturized by using gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer and avoiding hot showers or baths that can further dry out the skin. Drinking plenty of water can also help maintain overall skin hydration. 

Skin Sensitivity

Changes in hormone levels can make the skin more sensitive, leading to increased reactivity or irritation. Be cautious when trying new skincare products and opt for gentle, hypoallergenic options. If you experience persistent skin sensitivity or allergic reactions, consult a dermatologist.

PAUME Takeaways 

It’s important to note that while most postpartum conditions are temporary and resolve on their own, it’s always advisable to consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist if you have any concerns or if the condition persists or worsens. They can provide personalized advice and recommend suitable treatment or interventions to address specific skin issues. Additionally, do not be overwhelmed by the listed condition! These are all of the common postpartum skin conditions, yet this does not mean that you will experience them all, if any!