Tips for Skincare when it comes to Sensitive Skin

Tips for Skincare when it comes to Sensitive Skin

4 min read

Tips for Skincare when it comes to Sensitive Skin

Caring for sensitive skin requires extra attention and consideration to prevent irritation and to maintain its health. Today, let's dive into some helpful tips for everything skincare when it comes to sensitive skin. 

First, make sure that before you actually start using products, especially on your entire face, that you are patch testing them first. Apply a small amount of the product on a small area of your skin, such as the inside of your wrist or behind your ear. Wait between 24 to 48 hours to check for any adverse reactions or signs of irritation. If everything seems to be fine, this is when you can go ahead and start using the product on your entire face. Next, opt for skincare products specifically formulated for sensitive skin. Look for labels like “hypoallergenic”, “fragrance-free” and “non-comedogenic”. Fragrances and certain ingredients can trigger reactions in sensitive skin, so avoiding them can help reduce the risk of irritation. Next, steer clear of skincare products that contain harsh ingredients like alcohol, sulfates, fragrances and artificial colors. These can be harsh on sensitive skin and cause irritation or allergic reactions. Look for mild, soothing ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, oatmeal and ceramides. Another important step is to moisturize regularly. Moisturizing is crucial for sensitive skin as it helps maintain the skin’s barrier function and prevents dryness and irritation. Choose products that will hydrate without causing heaviness or greasiness. Also, make sure that you are being cautious with exfoliation. Exfoliation can be beneficial for removing dead skin cells, but it’s important to be gentle. Avoid harsh physical exfoliants like scrubs with coarse particles. Lastly, make sure that you are protecting your skin barrier. Keep your skin barrier strong by avoiding hot water when washing your face and opting for lukewarm water instead. Using a humidifier in dry environments can also help maintain moisture levels in the skin. 

PAUME Takeaways 

By following these tips and paying close attention to how your skin reacts to different products and ingredients, you can develop a gentle and effective skincare routine for your sensitive skin. Furthermore, if you’re struggling with persistent sensitivities or are unsure how to care for your sensitive skin, it’s beneficial to consult a dermatologist. They can assess your skin, provide personalized recommendations and sugar specific treatments or products that cater to your needs.