How to Prevent Nail Breakage

How to Prevent Nail Breakage

4 min read

How to Prevent Nail Breakage

Preventing nail breakage involves a combination of good nail care practices, maintaining nail health and protecting your nails from potential sources of damage. This blog will be giving you some tips to help you prevent nail breakage. 

To begin, it is really important when trying to strengthen your nails to maintain a balanced diet. A well-rounded diet rich in nutrients like biotin, vitamin E and protein can promote healthy nail growth and strength. In addition to a good diet, you must also ensure that you are staying hydrated. Drinking enough water helps to keep your nails and cuticles hydrated, reducing the risk of brittleness and breakage. If you are ensuring that you are eating and drinking up to par, you must then also ensure that you are protecting your nails. Wear gloves when doing household chores, gardening or any activity that might expose your nails to harsh chemicals, water or potential trauma. Resist the urge to bite your nails or to pick at them, as this can also weaken the nail structure and lead to even more breakage. Furthermore, you want to take into account proper nail care. Use a fine-grit nail file to shape and smooth your nails. Avoid using overly coarse files that can cause nail layers to separate. Keep your nails at a manageable length as well. Long nails are more prone to catching on things and breaking in the process. To avoid this, we recommend regularly trimming of your nails to maintain a consistent length and to prevent uneven stress that can lead to breakage. To take your nail care to another level, we also suggest that you moisturize your cuticles. Apply cuticle cream or oils to keep your cuticles and nail beds hydrated and flexible. Lastly, with all of these recommendations, remember that regular maintenance is important. Keep up with a consistent nail care routine, including regular manicure and gentle nail treatments. All of these steps working together will ensure that your nails and cuticles remain healthy and that you avoid nail breakage. 

PAUME Takeaways 

Remember that nail health is a reflection of overall wellness. If you experience persistent nail breakage, it’s a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or a professional nail technician to rule out any underlying health issues and receive personalized advice. However, these steps are a great place to start when trying to avoid nail breakage!