Washroom Essentials 101

Washroom Essentials 101

2 min read

Having a functional and well-stocked washroom is essential for any household. A properly-stocked washroom will ensure everyone can feel comfortable and clean. Here are the essential items you should have in your washroom: 


Towels are a must for any washroom. They are perfect for wiping down after a shower or bath and for drying hands. Make sure you have enough towels for everyone in the household, and consider investing in a few extra to make sure you’re always prepared. 


Having a range of toiletries on hand is essential. Include items such as toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and soap. Having a selection of these items will ensure everyone in the household can easily access what they need. 

First Aid

Washrooms are often the first stop for minor injuries, so make sure you have a well-stocked first aid kit on hand. Include things like band-aids, antiseptic cream, gauze, and tweezers. 

Toilet Paper

This one may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how often it’s forgotten! Stock up on plenty of toilet paper, and make sure you have enough for all your guests. 

Swabs/Cotton Balls

Swabs and cotton balls are great for cleaning up messes, removing makeup, and cleaning wounds. Make sure you have a few lying around in case of an emergency. 

Cleaning Supplies

Keeping your washroom clean and presentable is essential. Stock up on some basic cleaning supplies like a broom, dustpan, mop, and cleaning solution. 

These are the essential items that should be included in any washroom. By stocking up on these items and keeping them all neatly organized in one spot, you’ll be prepared for anything!